Team Building Events at The Ceramics Studio

We had Mark-Making, a creative agency based in Oxford, here at The Ceramics Studio for their team building event a few weeks ago - and what fun it was!

They were after a fun filled afternoon of challenges based around The Great Pottery Throw Down. We had  two teams of 7, The Mardy Mintons and The Wedgewood Wangers, who took it in turns to do each challenge and a winner was selected for each at the end by Leyla and Rhian.

Schedule for the day

First up was who could throw the tallest pot… it was most of their first times throwing, so this was no mean feat!

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Next, was who could throw the best pot blind folded!

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And finally each team had to create a tea-set for their office using the colours of their logo - 8 plates or bowls, 8 cups and 1 completed teapot each. They were able to hand build or use the wheel for this! And here are a just a few of the results from both teams…

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